Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Dear Serge Kaganski @ Les Inrockuptibles

Les Inrock en 1991: pour le credit - voir lien plus bas "Verse I"

Dear Serge,

J’ai eu plusieurs fois l’occasion de te citer lors de mes billets (film «sci-fi », Louise MaisonsVerse I) pour te « dénoncer » une certaine admiration… en tout bien tout honneur of course.
Il est vrai que ton article sur Amélie Poulain était très décevant, mais personne n’est en permanence un surhumain ! Tu n’as d’ailleurs jamais prétendu l'être.

Hier soir, j’ai visionné ton intervention n°1000 des Inrocks sur la page FB et c’était curieux de voir à quel point tu sonnais faux derrière ton micro – devant la caméra. Ton anecdote consistait à te souvenir de l’année où Christian Fevret te parlait d’un éventuel hebdo en 1993 ou 1994…

Comme anecdote, y’a mieux tout de même ! Tu aurais pu parler d’une interview rocambolesque, un truc drôle avec Fevret ?
Ensuite, Christian, c’était pas le genre à parler d’un truc et le faire tout de suite après. C’est quand même quelqu’un qui pense longtemps, qui cogite, qui revient en arrière pour mieux sauter. C’est l’image professionnelle que j’ai gardée de lui. Jamais rien au hasard !

J’écrivais sur mon poste FB que vous aviez tous commencé à parler de l’hebdo en 1992, mais je me suis trompée. C’était à l’automne 1991. 
Tu te souviens de Le Zouave? 
[le 12 aout 2019 (jour de mon anniv'), Veronique Servat parle du Zouave "Donc le Zouave en tant Que tel est plus intéressant pour moi je dirais." Et en plus elle parle de cadeaux "Pensez à mes cadeaux."
L'obcenite par excellence! J'ai bcp ecrit sur la phpotographe Jill Furmanosky ds mon blog, va-t-elle en parler? Si oui, elle dira qu'elle a trouve son nom ds 1 article du Guardian! Ds mon thread Spice Girls, elle se sert de quoi? Elle reprend toutes mes anecdotes Inrocks ou autres, se sert de mon blog depuis 2016 au moins pour son PHD, m'insulte, la grosse classe de cocksuckeuse].
 Les Inrocks devaient changer de nom et s’appeler Le Zouave. Si mes souvenirs sont bons, c’était une idée de Christian dont tous les garçons étaient d’une joie très retenue quant au titre. J’avais dû faxer un jour un « numéro » Le Zouave aux Cahiers Du Cinéma puisque certains devaient participer à l’aventure… Je me souviens que Christian prévoyait sa sortie pour 1993 ou 1994… Histoire de bien tout prévoir : logistique, nouveau bureau etc… Rue d’Alesia avec son aquarium graphique, c’était sympa, mais pour un rendement hebdo, ça aurait été chaud devant chaud derrière !
J’avais gardé contact avec quelqu’un qui avait travaillé quelque temps aux Inrocks et il y a une dizaine d’années, nous nous remémorions par emails ces instants prises de becs entre Christian et vous autres garçons qui étaient contre cette appellation "incontrolée" Le Zouave.

En même temps, ton anecdote n’est pas très grave, tu me crédibilises : j’ai rien balancé sur l’hebdo après mon départ Inrocks !

Sur FB hier soir, je proposais mes services pour les anecdotes, mais j’ai lu ce matin qu’il s’agissait du numéro 1000 à partir de la naissance de l’hebdo. Donc, effectivement, j’étais déjà partie.
Des anecdotes, j’en ai pleins : les garçons qui convertissent ton interview dans ton dos, tu t’assois et tu me demandes discrètement si j’avais touché ton ordinateur et puis tu « cris » lymphatiquement « eh les mecs, mon interview elle est en grec » ; Samuel Blumenfeldrevient de New York épuisé et en colère (même pas peur sa colère) après avoir interviewé Abel Ferrara ; Telloche et sa valise guitare sans guitare ; le chat de CalouWampas et le chat de Telloche qui ont leur playlist dans l’Inrock de Noel 91-92 (je l’avais eu mauvaise cette « blague ») ; Jean-Louis Murat qui m’appelle, demande l’adresse et dit qu’il arrive pour mettre une bombe (après la tuerie dans la maison de disque de Mylene Farmer)… Ce sera pour une autre fois, mes anecdotes ! En attendant, congratz, bonne continuation et à la revoyure, if…

Les Inrocks ont 25 ans : Les Inrocks se servent de la photo couleur plutot que B&W ou je suis cachee par un chat!)

A corriger : le numéro 1000 ne sort pas le 28 fevrier ! =

Sybille Castelain

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

bjork... vulnicura... lyrics and sounds... verse II

 cover character by björk
photographed by inez and vinoodh
designed at m /m (paris)

to view verse I, click here
(note: PR agency wouldn't send the album or an audio link, OLI sent a private soundcloud...)

vulnicura... giving birth to rupture...

6 months after
“...  where i can pay respects to the death for my family... so where do i go... to mourn our miraculous triangle... i raise a monument of love... this universe of solutions...

11 months after
“... we carry the same wound... but have different cures... similar injuries... but opposite remedies...”

atom dance
“... love is the ocean we crave... am dancing towards transformation... healed by atom dance... enter the pain and dance with me...

mouth mantra
“... there is vocal of sadness... in vow of silence... this tunnel has enabled thousands of sounds... now i sacrifice this scar...

“... our mother’s philosophy... it feels like quicksand... where choreographed oxygen... embroiders the air...

... like an animal’s intuition, björk smells the rupture. the stuttering phase of an end. björk documents the travelogue of her heart-broken-to-be through the long sobbing strings with electro-beat interferences... when the heart forgets to follow its ritual rhythm... when it limps...
the moments before the rupture: stonemilker, lionsong, history of touches.
the moments after the rupture: black lake, family, notget
the healing process... work (still) in progress! atom dance, mouth mantra, quicksand.

her ninth opus vulnicura is her second intimate adventure on record: a raw and spiritual journey where black lake (10 minutes) is certainly the most intense track. there is calm on black lake... but not that sort of calm when one feels pacified... a calm after a storm in the ocean... when finally the ocean rejects a “garbage” on safe-sand... a sense of dizziness... no more room for hope... a peaceful lament à la nusrat fateh ali khan. she is in shreds but safe on a no u-turn sinuous track...

in that sense, vulnicura is comparable, graphically and emotionally to medulla... the near acapella album documenting her blood current while pregnant with her child... the daughter of her now “defunct” lover...
both albums are hymn to tribal, minimal survival... organic... “gore” and cathartic... carnal... vulnicura murmurs to the lover in a much more sufism’s approach...

... it does bear sonic traces of björk’s pre-medulla (unstable) albums [the track Joga more specifically] ... but despite all the confusion of a rupture, vulnicura is firmly stable in sounds and its wound evolves in the course of the hour...

family asks in a tired anger where to mourn, but she also wants to build a monument... like these monuments that are built after conflict times... to forget that once souls lost their lives... replacing carnage... it is reincarnation time... reconnecting with the universe... grounding alone (with her daughter).
notget seems to function as a celebration of her rupture acceptance... a broken heart in reconstruction after being abandoned...

atom dance and mouth mantra open up as a timid victory on pain, suggesting a recovery... but not just yet...

written and composed by björk, except: 5, 6 written by björk, composed by björk & arca; 8 written by björk and oddnŷ eir, composed by björk; 9 written by björk, composed by björk and spaces
1, 9 produced by björk; 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 produced by björk and arca
all vocals by björk

bjork related posts on vulnicura:

sybille castelain for

Monday, 26 January 2015

bjork... vulnicura... lyrics and sounds... verse I

cover character by björk
photographed by inez and vinoodh
designed at m /m (paris)
to read verse II, click here
(note: PR agency wouldn't send the album or an audio link, OLI sent a private soundcloud...)

vulnicura... giving birth to rupture...

9 months before...
“... i better documents this... open chest... to synchronize our feelings... that makes me feel your pain... like milking a stone... I have emotional needs... who has shut down the chances...

5 months before...
“... it reached its peak then transformed... abstract complex feelings... maybe he will come out of this... loving me... this wild lion doesn’t fit in this chair... i’m not taming no animal... i demand clarity...

history of touches
3 months before...
“... i wake you up... in the middle of the night... naked i can feel all of you... time together... therefore sensing all the moments... every single fuck... every single archive... compressed into a second...”

black lake
2 months after
“... our love was my womb... i am one wound... my heart is enormous lake... black with potion... drowning in this ocean... your heart is hollow... i’m drowned in sorrows... i am a glowing shiny rocket...”

6 months after

björk screaming... from time to time... her pain... losing her lover... time on hold... hoping... knowing deep down... hope is like milking a stone... breastfeeding a rock... a cold rock... like walking among violins... violas... celli... bass... in a desert of snow... on a burning volcano... folk songs on open heart... ether strings on underground electronica... oppressing sounds... liberating wounds... documenting a rupture...

this project was worked on in reikjavik, london, new york, carribean... more to follow...

bjork related posts on vulnicura:

sybille castelain fro

Friday, 23 January 2015

#JeSuisCharlie - La faute au père-noël…

Due to constant plagiarism and ongoing psychological abuse, I have taken down this post!
I started this blog to write on art, music, films... enlighten artists and what’s going on in London in hope of finding a job!
First, I was sexually harassed at Les Inrocks (FR) in 1991-1992.
Then, it became a chase after what I was doing, trying to become a journalist and photographer.
Plagiarism I for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism II for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism III for Bangumi/Stupefiant on France2 (TV) in January 2019:;
Plagiarism IV for Le Monde;
Stalking my Twits for Les Inrocks ;
Humiliated by ex boss at Inrocks who published my face as a cat in 2017, same guy who runs rumours about anything.

This is a short list! If you need to contact me, use my Yahoo. If you want to offer a job, I’m available @Sybillebbldnrbt

18+ / new single \ 28 Jan @ Corsica Studios + other European dates


Due to constant plagiarism and ongoing psychological abuse, I have taken down this post!
I started this blog to write on art, music, films... enlighten artists and what’s going on in London in hope of finding a job!
First, I was sexually harassed at Les Inrocks (FR) in 1991-1992.
Then, it became a chase after what I was doing, trying to become a journalist and photographer.
Plagiarism I for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism II for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism III for Bangumi/Stupefiant on France2 (TV) in January 2019:;
Plagiarism IV for Le Monde;
Stalking my Twits for Les Inrocks ;
Humiliated by ex boss at Inrocks who published my face as a cat in 2017, same guy who runs rumours about anything.

This is a short list! If you need to contact me, use my Yahoo. If you want to offer a job, I’m available @Sybillebbldnrbt

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Beyond Clueless, a film by Charlie Lyne - In UK cinemas 23 January

Due to constant plagiarism and ongoing psychological abuse, I have taken down this post!
I started this blog to write on art, music, films... enlighten artists and what’s going on in London in hope of finding a job!
First, I was sexually harassed at Les Inrocks (FR) in 1991-1992.
Then, it became a chase after what I was doing, trying to become a journalist and photographer.
Plagiarism I for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism II for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism III for Bangumi/Stupefiant on France2 (TV) in January 2019:;
Plagiarism IV for Le Monde;
Stalking my Twits for Les Inrocks ;
Humiliated by ex boss at Inrocks who published my face as a cat in 2017, same guy who runs rumours about anything.

This is a short list! If you need to contact me, use my Yahoo. If you want to offer a job, I’m available @Sybillebbldnrbt

The Alice Look, E2, 2 May – 1 November 2015

Poster advertising ladies boots manufactured by T Elliot & Sons, 
incorporating a pastiche of designs after Aubrey Beardsley

Due to constant plagiarism and ongoing psychological abuse, I have taken down this post!
I started this blog to write on art, music, films... enlighten artists and what’s going on in London in hope of finding a job!
First, I was sexually harassed at Les Inrocks (FR) in 1991-1992.
Then, it became a chase after what I was doing, trying to become a journalist and photographer.
Plagiarism I for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism II for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism III for Bangumi/Stupefiant on France2 (TV) in January 2019:;
Plagiarism IV for Le Monde;
Stalking my Twits for Les Inrocks ;
Humiliated by ex boss at Inrocks who published my face as a cat in 2017, same guy who runs rumours about anything.

This is a short list! If you need to contact me, use my Yahoo. If you want to offer a job, I’m available @Sybillebbldnrbt

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Head-shoulder piece by Maiko Takeda

Due to constant plagiarism and ongoing psychological abuse, I have taken down this post!
I started this blog to write on art, music, films... enlighten artists and what’s going on in London in hope of finding a job!
First, I was sexually harassed at Les Inrocks (FR) in 1991-1992.
Then, it became a chase after what I was doing, trying to become a journalist and photographer.
Plagiarism I for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism II for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism III for Bangumi/Stupefiant on France2 (TV) in January 2019:;
Plagiarism IV for Le Monde;
Stalking my Twits for Les Inrocks ;
Humiliated by ex boss at Inrocks who published my face as a cat in 2017, same guy who runs rumours about anything.

This is a short list! If you need to contact me, use my Yahoo. If you want to offer a job, I’m available @Sybillebbldnrbt

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Art Kane: Retrospective exhibition to 31 January 2015, SW1Y

Aretha Franklin "Halos"

Due to constant plagiarism and ongoing psychological abuse, I have taken down this post!
I started this blog to write on art, music, films... enlighten artists and what’s going on in London in hope of finding a job!
First, I was sexually harassed at Les Inrocks (FR) in 1991-1992.
Then, it became a chase after what I was doing, trying to become a journalist and photographer.
Plagiarism I for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism II for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism III for Bangumi/Stupefiant on France2 (TV) in January 2019:;
Plagiarism IV for Le Monde;
Stalking my Twits for Les Inrocks ;
Humiliated by ex boss at Inrocks who published my face as a cat in 2017, same guy who runs rumours about anything.

This is a short list! If you need to contact me, use my Yahoo. If you want to offer a job, I’m available @Sybillebbldnrbt

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Bjork. Vulnicura – out in March 2015; exhibition @ MoMA, New York

Due to constant plagiarism and ongoing psychological abuse, I have taken down this post!
I started this blog to write on art, music, films... enlighten artists and what’s going on in London in hope of finding a job!
First, I was sexually harassed at Les Inrocks (FR) in 1991-1992.
Then, it became a chase after what I was doing, trying to become a journalist and photographer.
Plagiarism I for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism II for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism III for Bangumi/Stupefiant on France2 (TV) in January 2019:;
Plagiarism IV for Le Monde;
Stalking my Twits for Les Inrocks ;
Humiliated by ex boss at Inrocks who published my face as a cat in 2017, same guy who runs rumours about anything.

This is a short list! If you need to contact me, use my Yahoo. If you want to offer a job, I’m available @Sybillebbldnrbt

Strike a pose exhibition / Who were the Slave owners at Hackney - Hackney Museum, E8 until 17 January

Due to constant plagiarism and ongoing psychological abuse, I have taken down this post!
I started this blog to write on art, music, films... enlighten artists and what’s going on in London in hope of finding a job!
First, I was sexually harassed at Les Inrocks (FR) in 1991-1992.
Then, it became a chase after what I was doing, trying to become a journalist and photographer.
Plagiarism I for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism II for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism III for Bangumi/Stupefiant on France2 (TV) in January 2019:;
Plagiarism IV for Le Monde;
Stalking my Twits for Les Inrocks ;
Humiliated by ex boss at Inrocks who published my face as a cat in 2017, same guy who runs rumours about anything.

This is a short list! If you need to contact me, use my Yahoo. If you want to offer a job, I’m available @Sybillebbldnrbt

Sunday, 11 January 2015

#satire #FreedomOfSpeech

From Qatar - Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper

Due to constant plagiarism and ongoing psychological abuse, I have taken down this post!
I started this blog to write on art, music, films... enlighten artists and what’s going on in London in hope of finding a job!
First, I was sexually harassed at Les Inrocks (FR) in 1991-1992.
Then, it became a chase after what I was doing, trying to become a journalist and photographer.
Plagiarism I for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism II for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism III for Bangumi/Stupefiant on France2 (TV) in January 2019:;
Plagiarism IV for Le Monde;
Stalking my Twits for Les Inrocks ;
Humiliated by ex boss at Inrocks who published my face as a cat in 2017, same guy who runs rumours about anything.

This is a short list! If you need to contact me, use my Yahoo. If you want to offer a job, I’m available @Sybillebbldnrbt

Thursday, 8 January 2015


Due to constant plagiarism and ongoing psychological abuse, I have taken down this post!
I started this blog to write on art, music, films... enlighten artists and what’s going on in London in hope of finding a job!
First, I was sexually harassed at Les Inrocks (FR) in 1991-1992.
Then, it became a chase after what I was doing, trying to become a journalist and photographer.
Plagiarism I for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism II for Les Inrocks;
Plagiarism III for Bangumi/Stupefiant on France2 (TV) in January 2019:;
Plagiarism IV for Le Monde;
Stalking my Twits for Les Inrocks ;
Humiliated by ex boss at Inrocks who published my face as a cat in 2017, same guy who runs rumours about anything.

This is a short list! If you need to contact me, use my Yahoo. If you want to offer a job, I’m available @Sybillebbldnrbt