Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Dear Clara Tellier Savary,

[SUMMER SOLSTICE 2019: ex InrockTelerama grand reporter Emmanuel Tellier got sacked 27 May 2019 for sexual harassment at work https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/medias/harcelement-sexuel-a-telerama-deux-journalistes-licencies_2081814.html

28.2.2019, Twitter sends me an email @7am
telling me I am violating their rules!
So, a man can ask for a blow job, 
but a woman can't write it!
14.3.2019, blocked on @lemondefr via 
Luc Bronner and its CM team (Brice Laemle & co)

Version Française ici

[Arnaud AubronInrocks (2009-2012), now President of Courrier International since 2012
Clara Tellier-SavaryInrocks (2010-2014), Courrier International since 2014
Louis DreyfusInrocks (2008-2010), now President of Group Courrier InternationalTélérama, Le Monde etc. since end of 2010]

(This missive was never sent to her)

Are you Emmanuel Tellier’s daughter? (Télérama and ex Inrocks)

In 2012, after realising my real name was in Les Inrocks networks when I used 'Pandora', I asked to be explained why my comments via a fake name made in 2009 / May 2010 against Bertrand Cantat / Roman Polanski (written by Alain Dreyfus) were in the wild! [Had Les Inrocks showed my real name since 2010?]

Actually, I didn’t really mind being in the ‘wild’, I have no issues with my opinions and mistakes I make. Although I have to admit I’d rather be right. But I had enough of Les Inrocks constant pettiness.

Pretty quickly, Arnaud Aubron (via Louis Dreyfus?from this pseudo-cultural magazine with whom I corresponded forwarded my email to you. It is your smooth-talking that got me to think you were Emmanuel Tellier’s daughter... Ready-Made talk!

As my friends explained to me, it is impossible to jump from a fake name on social network to a real name. It took you 10 days to correct! You never apologised.
Convinced I was an idiot, you gave me you Gmail and mobile... As if! Did you really think I was going to get in touch with you privately?

You must have been damned motivated. Your father, the very one who sexually harassed me between 1991-1992 when I worked for the then bi-monthly magazine, must have told you I was spreading the news around about him wanting blow-jobs from me...
So disgusted, I had to leave for the constant humiliation I was subjected to (http://babylondonorbital.blogspot.com/2015/05/le-diable-ecoute-smiths.html). Disgusted I had to leave a magazine I had been reading since 1986.

And the likes of JD Beauvallet(Inrocks:1987-2018)ChristopheConte(Inrocks:1990-2018), Renaud Monfourny(Inrocks since 1987?), David Doucet(Inrocks: 2011-mars 2019), Carole Boinet(Inrocks since 2012), Fleur Burlet(Inrocks: 2014-2018), Pierre Siankowski(Inrocks: 2000-2018) Julien Rebucci (Inrocks since 2013), Jais Frédéric ElaloufGaelle Massicot-BittyPanayotis Pascot, Julien Planté… media peeps who have no shame to say I have been talking nonsense for two decades and who have strong evidence with whatever mistakes I commit, validating their denial...

In 2008, I met an ex-Inrocks who asked if I ever had problems with your father. I said ‘Yes’! First time ever I managed to ‘speak’ about it. I was heard and believed and I changed topic.

Do you know why I never said anything?
Shame was not the only reason! When I resigned from Les Inrocks, your mother was pregnant. With you? I shut up because of her and child/ren she had with your crook father! It must be a woman thing... protecting a woman and her offspring...

Silent until May 2015 where I had to express myself. Because for some funny reasons, there was a sort of an ongoing machination, orchestration taking place acting to discredit me...

In december 2015, Les Inrocks emailed me
to offer me a Telerama subscription...
One of their ongoing actions!

Do you know why you replied to me in 2012?
Because you wanted to exculpate your father! How could you exculpate him since I said nothing? From what you had been told, from that implicitly owned up sexual harassment committed by these misogynists, sexists, abusive guys who thought they were on a defensive mode but actually sold their crime...

Today, Luc Bronner, Jérôme Fenoglio from the respectable Le Monde (http://babylondonorbital.blogspot.com/2017/06/silence-sexist-way-of-behaving.html) are ensuring a continuity of discredit to protect your father. Your fucking around of a father! They even give an exposure for your publishing outlet and I have no doubt you are already fishing into my blog...

And since you read my blog...
Where are you at in your young girl life, daughter of? I feel sorry for you. I have been extremely lucky to know at a very young age that my dad was a bastard. It takes a long time as an adult to heal but I really believe that WWII is the cause of what he is and what he will never cease to be.

Sybille Castelain sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk

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